What is Toastmaster   Leadership Track

This manual is the core of the leadership track. It features 10 projects, which you complete while serving in various club meeting roles. An evaluator will give you feedback on each project, helping you to improve. When you compete the manual, you are eligible for Competent Leader recognition

Complete the CL application in the manual and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a CL certificate and, if you wish, World Headquarters will send your employer a letter about your accomplishment.


After earning the CL award you can further refine and develop your leadership skills by working in the advanced leader program.
Members working in this program are eligible for two awards:

  • Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB)
  • Advanced Leader Silver (ALS)

About awards

High Performance Leadership (Catalog No. 262) helps members develop leadership skills. The program features five projects offering instruction and practice in such vital leadership areas a developing a vision, goal-setting and planning, developing plans and strategies and team-building. It also gives the member feedback on his or her leadership skills. The program may be completed within the member's Toastmasters club, area or district, and even within his or her company or community.


The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest our organization bestows and it recognizes both communication and leadership skills.
To be eligible or the award a member must have:

  • Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award)
  • Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award)

To apply for the Distinguished Toastmaster award, complete the appropriate section of the AL/DTM application and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a plaque and, if you wish, World Headquarters will send a letter to your employer about your achievement.

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