Your success in business is based on how effective you are. Through participation in the Toastmasters program, people from all backgrounds learn to effectively speak, conduct meetings, manage a department or business, lead, delegate and motivate. Whether your goal is to grow your skills as a speaker and a leader, to enjoy the social aspects of meeting new people and making new friends or to serve others through encouraging and mentoring, there is a place for everyone at Toastmasters.

Learn more

  • We are President's distinguished club ( highest honor for acheivemnet) and have received this award for 5 consecutive years.

  • We are a very active club (20+ active members) with experienced and novice members who are committed to grow as communicators and leaders

  • We have business executives from varied backgrounds and industries

  • Our club has been around for over 12 years and has very defined protocols and a very committed board


If You are ready to join, fill the application on-line byclicking here... Toastmasters Application

If you are not ready yet, come and experience a toastmasters meting with our club. You won't regret it!

We meet every Thursday from 12:00 to 1:05 at the location below, and we ALWAYS welcome guests.

Meeting Location: Marcus Millichap - Bldg 500, 1200 Abernathy Road, Atlanta, GA, 30328.


The Toastmasters program is cost-effective, especially when compared to seminars charging hundreds of dollars per day.

  • $20 New member fee (one-time)

  • $45 Semi-annually - National (could be less depending on month joined)

  • $18 Semi-annually - Northpark

Click the link to download the  Membership Application  in PDF format.

(You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader;  click this link   if you do not have this program).

NOTE: Fill out the form and bring it to the next meeting and one of our Club Officers will assist you in calculating the exact membership amount based on when you join. If you need assistance please contact our Vice President of Membership,  John Murietta.

Copyright 1995-2015 © Northpark Toastmasters
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